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The House/Wilson friendship has always been my main reason for watching House. What happened between them in the finale broke my heart, and as soon as I was done watching it, I was determined to make a vid about it. Finding a song to match all the emotion from those episodes proved to be quite the task, though, and the only one I found that inspired my muse was this one, a slow song, or at least slower than my usual. Now, I really have a hard time vidding slow songs, so this vid didn't end up quite like I expected... But then again, it almost never does, so...
As for the vid itself, this is about what House and Wilson have gone through during the finale and how their friendship hanged in the balance. Wilson was torn apart by what was happening with Amber, and House, while going through some tough time of his own with his memories, was there to do anything for his friend. Turns out House was linked to what happened to Amber, leaving Wilson angry and devastated, and House feeling guilty.
What will happen to their friendship now is up to anybody's guess.


Hollow (Best - 29 MB)